Light Tip: Barn Doors for Light Shaping
When shooting photos or videos, it’s always important to nail down your lighting. You have to know where you want your light, but more importantly, where to remove light.That’s where barn doors ...

Light Tip: Flat Lay Photography
Flat lays are a visually appealing way to showcase products, food, and other items, making them perfect for social media, e-commerce, and blogs. Here are a few tips to help turn a basic flat lay in...

Light Tip: How to Shoot Fitness Videos
Whether you're a professional videographer or just getting started, below are some simple tips to help you create a high-quality fitness video.

Light Tip: How to Create a Stop Motion
Stop motions are a fun way to use images to create eye-catching and engaging video content. Below are some simple tips to help you create better stop motion videos.

Tutorial: Studio Panel Lighting Kit
Let's breakdown the must-have lighting tool for photographers, videographers, creators, and filmmakers alike.